Phoenotopia awakening switch review
Phoenotopia awakening switch review

phoenotopia awakening switch review

However, the downside is that there are so many people to talk to and rooms to explore, even in the opening town, that the beginning of the game feels a little overwhelming.Īfter picking up a wooden bat in a nearby warehouse by solving a simple moving-block puzzle, Gail is free to exit stage right. It’s apparent early on that you need to talk to people and explore thoroughly to make progress, and in that way it’s much like an RPG. After exploring a little bit and talking to a few NPCs, a character named Nana tasks you with rounding up the kids who’ve gone outside the village to play. Pink-haired protagonist Gail leaps out of bed and leaves her room, one of many in a large house. The story takes place centuries after a great war decimates the earth and humankind has to rebuild the world and itself. The inclusion of a stamina meter, a muddled sense of direction, and a frustrating difficulty curve make Phoenotopia an acquired taste, and so it certainly has that in common with the infamous Zelda sequel. Whereas Link’s second outing on the NES was fairly linear, at least on the surface, Phoenotopia is filled with treasures and grinding to be done. It mixes an overworld with smaller towns, caverns, dungeons and the like, and there’s no shortage of activities to do and color to enjoy.

phoenotopia awakening switch review

Phoenotopia: Awakening isn’t the first game to try its hand at improving on and building on the foundation of Zelda II: The Adventure of Link.

Phoenotopia awakening switch review